Portuguese_3.0 | Catalan_3.0 | German_3.0 | English_3.0 | Basque_3.0 | French_3.0 | Galician_3.0 | Spanish_3.0 | |
tom | tintura, to, tonalitat | Farbton, Ton | shade, tincture, tint, tone | tonalitate, tonu | nuance, ombre, ordinaire, teinte, ton, variables | ton | coloración, colorido, matiz, sombra, tinta, tinte, tintura, tonalidad, tono | |
argila | Lehm, Ton | clay | buztin | argile | arxila | arcilla, barro | ||
nota, tom | nota, nota_musical, to | Ton | musical_note, note, tone | nota | note, ton | nota, nota_musical, ton | nota, nota_musical, tono | |
tom | to | Ton | tone | tonu | ton | tono |